TOP 10 List for Spring Renovations & Repairs

Spring is the perfect time to get ready for the warmer spring weather and the upcoming summer months.  After a long winter, spring is an absolute breath of fresh air. All that sunshine highlights your leaf-filled and damaged gutters, wood rot, cracks in your home interior and all the dead plants in last year’s flower beds.   

Spring Renovation and Repair Checklist

Below is a checklist to review areas that may need some maintenance or renovations by a qualified contractor. It’s a great time to inspect all these items and get what is needed done so you have the time to go outside and play in the upcoming months. 

Examine Your Roof Shingles 

Examine your roof shingles to see if any were lost or damaged during winter storms. If your home has an older roof, you may want to start a budget for replacement. The summer sun can really damage roof shingles. Shingles that are cracked, buckled or loose or are missing granules need to be replaced. Flashing around plumbing vents, skylights and chimneys need to be checked and repaired by a qualified roofer

Check the Attic Insulation 

Spring is a good time to make a trip up
in the attic to inspect your insulation.  Consider having additional
insulation for the summer months ahead.   

According to our area of North Texas, we fall in climate zone three in which attics are recommended to have an R-Value between 38-49. With blown in fiberglass insulation, this means a minimum of 12 inches of attic insulation, up to 20 inches of fiberglass insulation.   

Inspect Interior Floor, Ceiling & Wall Cracks  

Look around your home to see any ceiling
or wall cracks that need repair.  If they are large, you may need to
examine your foundation for major cracks. The majority of cracks are due to expansive soil. 
Expansive soil contains smectite clays that absorb water. The volume
increases the more water that is absorbed. When the soil expands, it is not
unlikely that it will exert enough force on a structure to cause damage.  

Cracked floors, walls, and foundations
are among the more common types of damaged caused by expansive soil. When
significant swelling occurs, the upper floors of structure can shift and cause
damage. Along with
swelling, expansive soils can also shrink when the moisture dries out. This
contraction can result in loss of support from the foundation causing
foundation problems as well. 

In North Texas alone, expansive soils are ever present and it affects millions of homes each year. The America Society of Civil engineers estimates that ¼ of all homes in the United States have some damage caused by expansive soils. 
Schedule any repairs now before the spring rains do more damage.  A professional remodeling contractor will be able to utilize the best techniques to repair any damage.  If you have recently had foundation work, you should wait a good few months before any repairs.  It is a good time to see also about painting those area inside and outside exposed by weather conditions. 

Examine the Wood Trim Around your Home  

Inspect the wood trim both inside and outside your home around windows, doors, railings and decks. Schedule any repairs now before the spring rains do more damage to the exposed wood.  It is a good time to see about painting those area exposed by weather conditions. 

Check All Gutters 

Check for loose or leaky gutters.  Improper drainage can lead to water in the crawl space. Clean all gutters and make sure downspouts drain away from the foundation and are clear and free of all debris.  You can use a hose to flush out any remaining debris after cleaning. If your gutters are older, we highly consider replacing them. 

Use Compacted Soil for any Yard Low Areas 

Low areas in the yard or next to the foundation should be filled with compacted soil. Spring rains can cause yard flooding, which can lead to foundation damage. Also, when water pools in these low areas in summer, it creates a breeding ground for insects and especially mosquitoes. 

Examine the Chimney 

Examine the exterior of the chimney for
signs of any damage. Have the flue (the section
running up the inside of the chimney chase) cleaned and inspected by a certified chimney sweep. Creosote
buildup may not look dangerous, but it ignites at a mere 451 degrees F, and
once it starts burning, it expands like foam sealant. In less than a minute, it
builds to more than 2,000 degrees F and can engulf your entire chimney and
destroy your home. 

Even if you clean your chimney regularly, you should still have it inspected by a qualified chimney sweep once a year.  

Move Firewood Near your Home 

Remove any firewood stored near the home. Wood near the perimeter of your home invites bugs and termites to easily enter your home. Firewood should be stored at least 18 inches off the ground at least 2 feet from the structure.   

Check Exterior Faucets 

Check outside faucets for freeze damage. Turn the water on and place your thumb or finger over the opening. If you can stop the flow of water, it is likely the pipe inside the home is damaged and will need to be replaced. While you’re at it, check the garden hose for dry rot. 

Schedule Service for the HVAC Unit 

Have a qualified heating and cooling contractor clean and service the outside unit of the air conditioning system; in addition, it is also a good idea to check the entire HVAC unit while the tech is there. Clean coils operate more efficiently, and an annual service call will keep the system working at peak performance levels. Change all interior and unit filters on a regular (we recommend every 3-6 months) basis. 

Check Lawn Power Equipment 

Check your gas- and battery-powered lawn equipment to make sure it is ready for summer use. Clean your equipment and sharp cutting blades will make yardwork much easier. 

Final Thoughts… 

Your home is one of the biggest investments you will make in your life time.  It is best to tackle these maintenance items and repairs quickly as they can grow much more costly over time.  Agape Home Services is a professional renovation, repair and remodeling company with years of experience and the ability to do most of the work needed.  All our techs are employees and skilled in all the trades needed to provide you the most cost-effective solutions. Give us a call and we will definitely steer you in the right direction!   


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